Calendar of Events

Spring Sesshin (Meditation Retreat (2017)

he Dunedin Zen Group’s annual spring Sesshin will be held from the 1st to the 8th of December 2017 on the wonderful St Martin’s Island.  The Island provides a unique environment for practice with friends, trees, birds, wind and sky; and of course the ever changing sea.

Sesshin led by Glenn Wallis begins on the evening of Friday 1 December and completes on Friday afternoon 8 December 2017.  This Sesshin will be suitable for those new to meditation retreats, and for more experienced practitioners.  The weekend option finishes on Sunday afternoon 4 December.  Arrival and departure for those attending the weekend only will be from Portobello.

You will find more information regarding the Sesshin and registration here.

For a poster to share with others at this link.

If you have any questions you can e-mail or use the contact numbers on the documents referred to above.

Spring Sesshin (Meditation Retreat) 2016

The Dunedin Zen Group’s annual spring Sesshin will be held from the 2 DEcember to 9 December.  As usual a weekend option is availalbe.

Introductions to Zen in May 2016

Two public talks will be given on Zen practice by Glenn Wallis Roshi on behalf of the Dunedin Zen Group will take place in May

6:00 pm          17 May 4th Floor Dunedin Public Library

11:15 am        28 May Port Chalmers Library

 An introduction to Zen: the path of Zen and the mystery of everyday experience

The Zen path is a practice which fosters ‘seeing into our own self-nature’ and ‘seeing things as they are’. As people we see matters and the world through the lens of our own perception, which is in turn conditioned by our relationship with what is being perceived. In Zazen, Zen meditation, we practice allowing the thinking faculty to quieten and we unite or become intimate with the object of our attention at that time, for instance the breath, a common theme for Zazen. In effect sense of self is left behind for those moments and our perception changes in turn This can have profound effects on a person and how we are with the world and our everyday experience.


Zen Beginners Group

An eight week group for those interested in Zen meditation is being offered beginning 24 May 2016.

Venue:           215 North Road

Time:              7-8pm

Fees:              Free

For more information e-mail, or contact

Jim                  027 426 6710, 3 4738359

Glenn                         03 473 6256

a poster for distribution can be found here



Local Events

Weekly Wednesday Zazen 

Weekly General Zazen gathering along with dokusan and talks is held every Wednesday evening at 7.00pm at 194 North Rd, St Martins Anglican Church, ground floor rooms Northeast Valley.

Douksan(private interviews with the teacher).

Currently Douksan is scheduled fortnightly during our regular sitting period.  For Dokusan details for the upcoming month please email


A longer sitting period.  This is scheduled one Saturday a month. Usually douksan or a talk is available during our monthly zazenkai.  8 am to 11:30 am followed by a pot luck lunch for those who wish to stay a little longer. Family is of course very welcome to join us for our shared lunch. Premises for Zazenkai is 37 James St Northeast Valley.

Next Zazenkai See ‘ZAZENKAI’ in ‘CATAGORIES’ at the right side of the page.

For further details please email or Phone Glenn on 473 6256